
| 校园招聘 |



  阿克苏诺贝尔公司,外商独资企业,总部位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹,是涂料和化学产品业界翘楚。公司在全球超过80个国家、地区设立了分支机构,雇有65,000 名员工。作为全球的化学企业,阿克苏诺贝尔公司在中国地区设立了逾30个分支机构、独资公司、合资公司及代表处,竭诚为中国市场提供优质产品、高新技术和优质服务。



  Principal Responsibilities:

  1.Input sales price into MFG systems based on sales assistant application.

  2.Sales Order credit maintenance and release timely.

  3.Sales Order invoice maintenance and post, Issue the VAT invoice according to sales order accurately and timely.

  4.Reconciliation of the customer’s account monthly.

  5.Handle daily cash & bank & BAD receiving. Report daily collection status.

  6.Management of financial documents and bind the accounting vouchers regularly.

  Requirements for this Job:

  1.Bachelor degree or above in finance or economic related major. Junior students will be OK .

  2.Familiar with QAD system is preferred

  3.Enough knowledge and skill of computer, good command of Excel, Word, PPT etc.

  4.Be good at English, having driving license is preferential.

  5.Have a good sense of responsibility.

