
| 成人英语 |


Don"t waster any food(fruit). 不要浪费粮食(水果)

  Try to finish everything in your bowl. 尽量吃完。

  Eat all of your vegetables. 把碗里的菜吃光。

  Finish up your plate. 把饭吃光。

  I"m trying to. 这不吃着呢吗。

  Please finish it. 把它吃完。

  Eat it all up! 吃完!

  Be a good girl(boy).Eat up your vegetable. 好孩子,把菜吃完。

  Don"t be fussy. Take any one. 不要挑三拣四,拿一个。

  You can"t finish the whole thing just break a bit off.

