
| 雅思 |


以下是考试资料网整理的《英语口语话题:适不适合留短发,原来关键看下巴》,希望大家喜欢!夏天来了,眼瞅着明星美女们挨个剪了短发,你是否也有跑去理发店爽一把的冲动?呵呵~ 英国发型师想说,不是所有人都能hold住短发哒~这里有个超简单的2.25英寸法则,发型师们都知道,就是一般人“我不告诉他”~ 

More celebrities than ever are lopping off their long locks every day, and so the normal woman"s temptation for a dramatic change is inevitable. But the A-list(的、重要的) themselves can"t always pull off a bob. So before march to the salon with a picture of Mary Quant(英国时尚设计师,沙宣曾为她剪过短发), note the latest theory for when to chop and when to stop - the foolproof 2.25-inch rule.

The Rule was created by John Frieda, and it is a fool-proof guide for hair stylists to use so they can tailor the cut to make the length as flattering as possible to the face shape.


