
| 计算机等级 |



  BASIC is an acronym for Beginners" All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. BASIC was de-eloped in the early 1960s at Dartmouth College by John Keenly and Thomas Kurtz as a teaching language.It largely remained a teaching language until the introduction of microcomputer systems in the mid-1970s .BASIC was selected as the high-level Ian-gauge for such systems due to its simplicity and "compactness"in memory compared to other high-level languages.The rapid growth of microcomputers stems since the late 1970s has now resulted in BASIC being very likely the most widely used com-putter language in the world.

  A timesharing system that improved efficiencNandcc ease of use demanded an interactive language-BASIC-that would allow each user to type pro-grams into a terminal (similar to a personal computer) on whose screen the output would be displayed immediately.

  Since its invention, BASIC has been adopted by almost all computer and microcomputer manufacturers.However, because the manufacturers found the language to be limited, each manufacturer would change it slightly to make use of enhancements par-titular to various machines.Thus,different versions(called dialects)of BASIC emerged.

  Such popularity has been at the expense of uniformity. ANSI developed a standard BASIC, how-ever,most microcomputer systems use their own particular implementation of BASIC.This is largely because microcomputer technology has advanced at Avery rapid rate and the language has been changed to take advantage of the capabilities of the hardware. The result is that someone able to program in the BASIC used by one computer system (such as Apple)may be unable to program in the BASIC used by another computer system(such as IMB).



  BASIC是“初学者通用符号指令代码”(Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)的字头缩 写词,BASIC最早是由约翰.凯莫尼 和汤姆斯库茨于GO年代初在达特茅 斯学院作为一种教学语言而开发 的。直到70年代中叶引入微型计算机系统之前,BASIC一直很广泛地 被保留用作一种教学语言,BASIC被选作这种系统的高级语言,是因 为它比其他高级语言简单并“节省”内存。从70年代后期起,由于微型计算机系统的迅速增长,使得BASIC现在似一乎成为世界上最广泛的计算机语言。

  分时系统的出现不但提高了工 作效率.而月使BASIC一类交互式语言使用起米简单——即允许每位 用户同时把程序输入计算机终端〔与微机类似〕,而输出则立即显 示在各自的屏幕上。

  BASIC语言自从问世以来,几乎己被所有的计算机和微机制造商 所采用。因为制造商们发现只要对 这种高级语言做微小的改变即能增 加其价值,尤其是针对各种不同的机器。因而,出现了各种不同版本(称为“语支”)的BASIC语言。

  BASIC如此普及是靠牺牲一致性而得到的。ANSI(美国国家标准 协会)推出了标准的BASIC.但是,大多数微机系统对BASIC有自 己的特殊的执行过程。这大体上是因为,微型机技术以极快的速度向前发展,语言也发生变化,以便吸取硬件功能的优点,结果是,某人能够用一种计算机系统(如APPLE)所采用的BASIC来编写程序,但可能不会用另一种计算机系统(IBM)所采用的BASIC来编程
