
| 银行招聘 |


渣打银行的招聘流程分为以下几个步骤:ig & cel 网上申请及通过网上测试 → 电话面试 → 面试。(online registration→online talent indicator→online numerical test→online application form→candidate selection→invitation to interview)

1. 网申:
渣打的网申平台位于渣打官网的招聘页面,网申包括online registration→online talent indicator→online numerical test→online application form。网申部分是全英文的,通过后可以直接进入下一轮测试,挂掉之后使用马甲重新测试的会被列入求职黑名单。网申可以在截止日期到来前分次完成,没有时长限制。

2. 电面
今年与去年相比, 增加的内容有:关于金融危机和渣打应对,渣打的历史足迹,渣打与其他银行的关系等;
why choose scb?
why choose international graduate program?
why wb?
what’re your skills that could help you succeed in wb?
talk about scb"s footprint. / international footprint
what do you think scb"s relationship with other banks in recent financial environment?
as an international bank, what impacts scb"s relationships
what’s the major income of scb from? how would this affect scb?
what do you think the commercial awareness of scb in chinese market?
tell me about an issue that happened in financial industry recently.
and how does current financial situation affect scb"s business?
how should scb cope with?
if you find some one in the team difficult to deal with? what is your action? example
describe a time when u explain a very complex problem to others ( your manager or client)
give me an example of your communication skills make you better than others.
how do you deal with conflicts in a group?
an example of communication ability
how can you adjust your styles to different audiences?
tell me a time that u play an important role in a teamwork.
an example of teamwork experience, what roles have you played.
conflicts within a team, what is your approach
how do you contribute to the team?
have u ever worked as a team, describe it.
what do you think a good leader should have?
how to be a good team leader?
decision making process
analytical and problem-solving skills
what are your advantages make you better than other students. or abilities differentiate you from other candidate
education background

渣打面试的程序基本分为面谈和ac两部分。面试为中英文,其中英文占据很大比重。大街网提示您,在准备渣打面试的时候有几点要注意: 1.许多问题虽然问法不一样,但问的都是同一样东西,所以准备答案之余懂得融会贯通很重要。2.能上网找一下资料,看看hr要的是什么,然后和渣打的精神结合起来讲,这样才不会落于俗套。3.了解渣打的理念,不用过于详细,再准备几个能说明你性格优点的例子,例如学生会工作或者工作经历什么的, hr看重的这些经历在最后都如何帮助你build up了你所陈述的性格优点,这样就让自己对自己的评价有所说服力。4.很重要的一点,不要不懂装懂。
