常用口语句型 (3)

| 成人英语 |


This Living Nature:

The moon eclipses the sun. 月亮遮住了太阳。(日食出现了)

A rainbow appears. 彩虹出现了。

It"s raining. 外面下着雨。

Rain is falling. 外面在下雨。

A volcano erupted. 火山爆发了。

flying volcanic bomb 喷燃着的火山弹rising volcanic ashes 升起的火山灰forest fire caused by lava 熔岩引起的森林大火Lava flowed out of the crater. 喷火口流出了熔岩。

tornado 旋风,龙卷风to blow off 卷走,吹飞skeleton 骸骨tidal wave 海啸to walk in a high wind 在强风中行走Strong winds howls. 咻咻地刮着强风。

Hurricane hits the city. 飓风袭击了这座城市。

A tall tree is struck by lightning. 大树被闪电击中了。

The sun sets. 太阳西沉了。(日落)

The thunder rumbles. 雷声响起。(打雷了)

to dart through sky 突破阴霾的天空The earthquake strikes (hits) the city. 地震袭击了这座城市。

to come out of hibernation 从冬眠中醒来It"s a sunny day. 今天是个艳阳天。

drought 干旱falling leaves 落叶snowman 雪人It"s snowing. 外面正在下雪。

shooting star 流星comets to appear 彗星出现了
